Community Abyss Anime Discussions What if "Gravity Falls" was an anime

What if "Gravity Falls" was an anime

What if "Gravity Falls" was an anime Mike Inel


Published on Oct 9, 2014

GENRE: Anime/Drama

Based from the show "Gravity Falls" by Disney. (
Episode: Golf War


Animation Breakdown:

Animation: Mike Inel
Audio: Taken from the show itself

Additional scenes:
Directed, animation, and music: Mike Inel
Sounds effects:
Universal Sound FX
Designer Sound FX
Voice: Taken from the show itself

Artist Commentary:
A small side project that unexpectedly took too much time to finish. It was made as an experiment and practice in animation. And out of curiosity~


A: I KNOW! IT LOOKS LIKE A BURRITO OR A PIZZA POCKET WITH PEANUT BUTTER INSIDE! By the time I realized my mistake, I already made a lot of frames.

Q: You missed a lot of details, like the sticker and Mabel's sweater print.
A: I blame laziness.

Q: What software did you used to make this?
A: Photoshop, Manga Studio 5 (or Clip Studio), After Effects, FL Studio, and Audacity.

By belle-deesse 7 years ago

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