Community Abyss Windows Discussions If TF2 Ran On Windows 98...

If TF2 Ran On Windows 98...

If TF2 Ran On Windows 98... UntouchedShadow


Uploaded on Jul 4, 2011

Yes, I used some Windows XP/Vista error sounds and notifications. Get over it.

Ever wonder what TF2 would be like if the entire game was composed of Windows 98? No you probably haven't, but here's this video anyway.

Yes, I used some Windows XP/Vista error sounds and notifications. Get over it.

Yes, I used some Windows XP/Vista error sounds and notifications. Get over it.

Yes, I used some Windows XP/Vista error sounds and notifications. Get over it.

Yes, I used some Windows XP/Vista error sounds and notifications. Get over it.

"This video is called If TF2 Ran On Windows 98, but it uses sounds and errors from Windows 98. UntouchedShadow you're a dumbo and I am smart for noticing this and you suck."
-50 millionth person who is bothered by trivial things and feels unique pointing this particular thing out.

"UntouchedShadow used windows xp stuff in his TF2 Windows 98 video, but why do you all care? It's 2016 guys, come on."
-Justin Trudeau.

Oh also have a mentioned that, yes, I used some Windows XP/Vista error sounds and notifications and that most importantly you need to get over it?

Statistics show that windows xp sounds in a windows 98 video are approved by 78% of viewers. (We killed the other 22%)

Songs used (In Order):
Magnor Land of Giants - Serious Sam
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet - TF2
DamAmbienceTheme - Duke Nukem Forever
Windows Error - Remix

  • Standard YouTube License

By belle-deesse 7 years ago

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