Community Abyss Alpha Coders Discussions Acp Game Update - City - Alchemy Labs Have A Purpose!

Acp Game Update - City - Alchemy Labs Have A Purpose!

Hey everyone!

Trashed creature items have always been able to be researched by alchemy labs in the city. Previously this didn't really result in anything... at all.

Well, now it does! Next to your researched items count on the ACP Games main page, there is a button to 'Convert Researched Items'. This will take 10 researched items of a specific rarity, and convert them to one item of a higher rarity.

10 commons will turn into 1 rare, 10 rares will turn into 1 epic, etc.

Let me know if you have any questions!

David West
Alpha Coders

By Phaethon 4 years ago

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