Community Abyss Alpha Coders Discussions Video Game Content On Wallpaper Abyss

Video Game Content On Wallpaper Abyss

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Hello everyone!

Recently the moderator team has been working on trying to improve our moderation for video game content. To this end, I'm posting some guidelines for video game content that are meant to make things more clear, both for users, and the moderator team. At the end of this post you will see exactly the criteria that moderators are using when moderating video game content.


Guidelines For Users:

What kind of video game content is allowed on Wallpaper Abyss?

The basic idea is this: Is the image a good or great representation of the game?

We use phrasing like, 'Exemplar in its class' - this basically means - is this piece of content an example of this game at its best?

Example 1: Developer Content Most developer created promotional material is A-OK!
If the developers are using these images to promote their games, they are looking to showcase the game at its best, and most of the time this content is perfectly fine on Wallpaper Abyss.

Example 2: Screenshots or Photo Modes. This tends to be a borderline area.
    Are you playing the game at the highest settings possible? This helps!
    If the game supports photo mode, or other ways of increasing screenshot quality, use them!
    Is there an in-game HUD or menu? This would not be considered good wallpaper material.
    Is the scene noteworthy?
    There can be hundreds of screenshots of a single character. Stuff like this wouldn't meet the 'exemplar' criteria.
    This same principle would apply to things like environments. Try to stick to things that highlight the game.

    Try to use your best discretion, and if a moderator moves something, please ask them, or another member of our team about it.

Example 3: Fan art

Generally OK as long as follows the general showcase quality guidelines.


Guidelines For Moderators:

For moderating video game content, follow these guidelines.
    1. Are there clear examples of better quality screenshots already on Wallpaper Abyss? If not, the user is probably playing the game at whatever the max settings curretly are.
    2. Does it look like the scene may be noteworthy?
    3. Are there are a large number of similar screenshots on Wallpaper Abyss. If so, the scene probably isn't noteworthy.
    4. Is the content in the screenshot something that someone that plays the game would probably be interested in?
    5. Is the composition good?

    If a screenshot matches the positive side of most of these questions, allow it on WA.


Please let me know if this kind of post helps, and if you have questions about it!

By Phaethon 3 years ago

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