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Author Rules

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Our author system is to showcase individual artists.

Please only enter an author name if you know that a specific indivdual made the image. Otherwise, just leave the field blank.

Please don't add the following as author:

  • idk, n/a, or other ways of saying you don't know who the author is
  • Production companies. e.g. ABC, Netflix
  • Copyright owners. e.g. Nintendo, Sony, Disney


Guidelines for marking yourself as the author:

Please do not mark yourself as the author if you only:

  • Took a screenshot from an anime, tv show, or movie
  • Cropped, rotated, or changed hue/brightness/satuation of an image
  • Upscaled the image

The above cases do not qualify for our author system. Even if you did all of the 3 above things, combined, they do not qualify for our author system. Please don't mark yourself as being the author unless your contribution to an image is completely original and more transformative than the things highlighted above.


By Phaethon 2 years ago

I can give you all the raw images i have used to edit this. And i am the one who edited this. I also have a page known as photo_phactoryy007 on instagram where you can see all my edits:)

By kissmyaxe 2 years ago

Hi kissmyaxe,

You have been added back as the author on the content you have submitted, sorry about the inconvenience.

Have a great day,


By cdd 2 years ago

the parrot photo which I uploaded was taken by my in my phone plz make me the author again

By anime21 2 years ago


You should be able to re-add yourself as the author if that's the case.

By Phaethon 2 years ago

Hello Catherine,

I'm contacting the moderator to see why they removed the author during the moderator process. Feel free to edit the content, and add the author back in the meantime. I'll reply again once I know more.

By Phaethon 2 years ago

Hi Catherine,

It is just a mistake from one of our moderator, I have added you back as author of your recent giraffe submission, sorry for the inconvenience.

On another note, why did you create a second account: Ngiri? If you couldn't get access to your old account and this has been fixed, we have the possibilty to move content submitted by the new account to your old account.

Have a great day,


By cdd 2 years ago

I Would like to have clarifications about all stuff that can be considered derivation from something else.

For example suppose you want to submit images that you worked on but actually are not created or belongs to you at 100%, like avatars not directely drawn by yourself but reworked and modified. You added somethig to that images but something is not yours anyways because someone else has do that: what users should do for author entry? Shuld be leaved blank or you can considerate yourself as the author? Should you give credit to someone else if you know who created what you had worked on?

By GeoGamer2000 2 years ago

GeoGamer2000, in cases like the one you've mentioned, marking yourself as the author is fine. Stick to things more than just a crop.

By Phaethon 2 years ago

Thank you for reply, Phaethon!
Expecially on my last submissions that's also my case, and I prefered leave blank that entry. I have thinked about all that users who also do it.

By GeoGamer2000 2 years ago

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