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12 years ago
I guess I always considered the original set Red and Blue :p

@Apollo I like your reasoning for Squirtle - reminds me a lot of why I liked bulbasaur :)
12 years ago
Yep! I'm a huge fan of it. Php is my go-to guy as far as programming languages go😃MySQL is in a league of it's own because it's a database platform😃I still really like it - I pretty much abuse my mysql server.
12 years ago
Lol I remember grinding away at my castle. Hours and hours of steady precision, putting the pieces together and making absolutely sure that everything was pressed down and sturdy. I definitely wasn't the fastest; more of a perfectionist :D
12 years ago
That's easily one of the things I hate the most. If you don't do something for a couple years - you relearn it😕It usually goes faster the second time around; but it is still pretty darn frustrating.
12 years ago
I'll list the programming language and scripting languages :)
  1. Java! - My first programming language, and one of my favorites
  2. C++ (I haven't used it in a quite, but took my college courses in it)
  3. Php-  My favorite scripting language
  4. Ruby on Rails - Decent web programming environment, but not for me.
  5. MySQL - kind of in a league of it's own, but figured I would put it
  6. Actionscript (Flash) - Just a bit though. I'm currently in the learning stages. I actually enjoy picking up programming books😛
There's still a lot I would like to know; I usually end up learning a language, or bits of one, to build a project I have an idea for :)
12 years ago
Yeah😟I know my sister has played a few, and there's never much to them. 
12 years ago

Posted In: Goa'uld

Yeah. For whatever reason parasites in movies and shows are huge. I recently rewatched The Matrix and the bug that goes into Neo is freaking huge. Then again, it can be explained away by being in the matrix I guess :)
12 years ago
I'll try new games when they come out - but not too much has changed (for better or for worse). I don't really get into the contests and berries and stuff. If Nintendo had come out with a pokemon mmo my life outside of that game would have ended. :)
12 years ago
You had quite the collection😃I didn't have nearly as much space/alien stuff as I wanted, but I had a few sets.The big castle I had was the one that made the others seem less impressive. it was a WHOLE CASTLE! lol. My little borther-in-law just got a police station. At first I wasn't too jazzed by it, but there are some really neat bits to it (the prisoners can escape through the toilets)
12 years ago
I don't know too many free places, but there are some out there. Free Hosting Cloud seems like a viable choice - you'd get a url like or something :)

No-ip also has options; I have quite a bit of experience using them for both paid DNS services and free ones. I'm not sure if they offer free hosting as well though.
12 years ago
Yep! For whatever reason I just don't like the wraith all that much. I liked the sg team quite a bit, but the main enemy wasn't as engaging for me as with sg1
12 years ago
I know this might be a wash, but I was wondering what people prefer - sg1, atlantis, or universe? I suppose to make it a little more interesting we could put them in a numbered list. I'll start.
  1. Sg1
  2. Universe
  3. Atlantis
Ta Da!
12 years ago

Posted In: New Wallpapers up!

Awesome wallpapers😃The wallpapers ajak uploaded can be found at: Wallpaper Abyss -  Pokemon :D
12 years ago

Posted In: Anime Pictures

Alright - I'll take your response as a hint to not search around😃Yeah usually when something's really pretty visually - you hear about it a lot.
12 years ago