Community Abyss Space Abyss Discussions Space Abyss Update - 0.1.17

Space Abyss Update - 0.1.17

Hey everyone!

I've been hard at work fixing bugs. So many bugs! You'd think I was stranded on a hostile alien planet.

I've decided that, depending on the scope and timing of updates, I might not make a Community Abyss thread for every update. Now that more people are playing the game, I am currently preferring to try and push fixes for individual bugs if at all possible, which means some of these updates are tiny. Below is a list of the updates since my last post. I will post every update on Discord.


## [0.1.17] - 2020-06-20

### Added
- Ships more advanced than a pod now need engines to move. The first set of ships will be created with engines, a ship shield, and energy storage.
More advaned ships do not come with any of this. Players will need to add engines to the ship. It's effectively a way of transitioning players into the sandbox of ships.
If a ship has no engines, it will not move.
- Admin ability to move any object to any place (Currently there are disappeared Space Stations on the galaxy - now it's easy to bring them back in game)
- A 'Claim Ship' button

### Fixed
- Airlock display now shows up when you move onto an airlock
- Many bugs relating to docking on larger ships/stations, and controlling dockable ships/stations.
- Bug that wasn't writing new player data until the server shutdown

### Changes
- Voon Steaks can now be picked up
- Updated ship types to the new engine/weapon system
- When determining whether a player can be placed on a ship, use the canPlacePlayer function over the previous custom IF statement.


## [0.1.16] - 2020-06-16

### Fixed
- Old manufacturers, research stations, forges, and food replicators have been set to 10 HP to match the new ones.
- Hopefully another fix or two so the 'Back To Galaxy' button doesn't disapper
- Fix for effect sprites when mining is stopped

### Changed
- The color of an HP bar with HP > 100%

## [0.1.15] - 2020-06-16

### Fixed
- A bug with showing effects that would cause some buttons to not show up

## [0.1.14] - 2020-06-16

### Added
- Helpful messages about the results when a player is healing something like an Algae Vat

### Fixed
- Bodies and other waiting drops that are objects will no longer spawn on wall tiles in -1 and below, removing a wall that was supposed to be unremovable😃

### Changed
- Simplified the function. I had begun moving about 1/2 of it to game.convert, and finished this.
- New manufacturers, forges, research stations, and food replicators spawn with 10 HP to work with the recently updated salvaging system
- Algae vats can no longer be salvaged
- Trae will no longer drop Trae Seedlings. This didn't work in the server anyways. If I wanted to re-ad this in the future, I should have it drop an object type
that grows into a monster.
- More monsters on the machine planet are weak to hacking damage.

## [0.1.13] - 2020-06-14

### Fixed
- Invalid waiting drops will now be deleted. Investigating where they are coming from (I believe it's monsters)

### Changed
- Reduced the frequency at which the server will try and place waiting drops (10 seconds -> 60 seconds)

## [0.1.12] - 2020-06-13

### Added
- The server will continue to try and place monster drops, and player drops (deaths) that are unable to initially place

### Fixed
- The bodies of players should drop in more cases now. Previously if the body couldn't drop on the coord it wanted, it wouldn't be created, and all the inventory
would be lost. It's now created regardless. See Added for how we then process it.

### Changed
- The failure message you receive when you try and land on a forming planet has been changed from 'Spaceport is full' to 'Planet Is Forming'

## [0.1.11] - 2020-06-12

### Added
- A couple of territe deposits will spawn on the top level of desert and slaver planets

### Fixed
- Objects attacking players would set their HP to NaN - which isn't a great HP to have as a player. Added in a return false and some tracing to see if this is happening anywhere else.
- Beam type effects will be removed when something is out of range of an object.
- Objects can't attack players on Spaceport tiles

### Changed
- Increased the amount of asteroids and comets that can spawn in the galaxy from 12 and 6 to 50 and 50, respectively.
- Removed the Nano Bonder requirement for assembling a Forge
- Assembly Requirements for Thiol Extractor from 10 Territe to 5 Refined Territe.
- Complexity of Thiol Extractor reduced from 20 to 12
- Updated Algae Power Cell. Lots of changes. Required Algae research. Increased complexity. Eatable by machine bodies. Added in images.
- Reduced the number of times algae has to be researched from 20 to 10
- Territe deposits spawn 10 Territe instead of 8 Territe
- The right side of the game will now only scroll the right side instead of the entire page.

## [0.1.10] - 2020-06-11

### Fixed
- You can now switch bodies - and other things that look for interactions will now work better

## [0.1.9] - 2020-06-11

### Fixed
- You can now register again! Registration was a bit broken after the server move. EEEk!
- The last coord of planets will now be sent. Off by one errors are rough.
- An error with getting inventory items would cause the 'Back To Galaxy' button to disappear

## [0.1.8] - 2020-06-10

### Fixed
- Some of the changes made to make players show up better made movement worse when the server was moderately laggy. I've improved this.

## [0.1.7] - 2020-06-10

### Added

### Fixed
- Previously, if you logged in the galaxy and another player was around you, you would not see the player until they moved. Fixed this in the galaxy.
- The ships of other players now disappear when they land on a planet and you are still in the galaxy.
- A few other delays with showing other players.
- If you buy a pod, it will now re-generate the spaceport display immediately.
- Local message sending should now work in the galaxy
- Chat should scroll to the bottom properly now

### Changed
- Planets in the galaxy will now show up sooner. Less pop in.

## [0.1.6] - 2020-06-10

### Added

### Fixed
- Player sprites now disappear when players logout
- Basic manufacturing without being assembled in an object works again
- Previously, if you logged in the galaxy and another player was around you, you would not see the player until they moved. Fixed this in the galaxy.
- The ships of other players now disappear when they land on a planet and you are still in the galaxy.
- A few other delays with showing other players.
- If you buy a pod, it will now re-generate the spaceport display immediately.
- Local message sending should now work in the galaxy
- Chat should scroll to the bottom properly now

### Changed
- Planets in the galaxy will now show up sooner. Less pop in.

## [0.1.5] - 2020-06-09

### Added

### Fixed
- Various bugs with the server switch
- Bug with converting things (using water to heal an algae vat)
- Repair effect
- Shuttles can't be walked on anymore (this makes them disappear)
- The process that runs Space Abyss works a little differently on the new server. A couple of instances of the game were running simultaneously O_o Fixed this.
- Fixed some residual issues from multiple instances of the game trying to run at the same time.

### Changed
- Planet types and planets now have 4 attributes for size, x and y for both above and under ground. This gives a little more flexability to planet shapes.
- Worked on some efficiency improvements for moving monsters.
- Server!!! Space Abyss now has its own server.
- Updated the Azure planet to the new generation system

By Phaethon 3 years ago

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