Community Abyss Space Abyss Discussions Space Abyss Update - 0.1.22

Space Abyss Update - 0.1.22

Hey everyone!

Below are the most recent updates to Space Abyss. I had a bit of a slower pace over the last couple of weeks. Sometimes life gets busy🙂


## [0.1.22] - 2020-07-16

### Added
- Wrecks and other salvagable material can spawn in the galaxy.
- Augmentation Station
- Stabbing Gloves, Urchins, Urchin Spines, Bionic Crabs
- Manufacturing Body sprite - ability to manufacture - and benefits
- Reinforced Human Body sprite - ability to manufacture - and benefits

### Fixed
- Various bugs with monsters on ships
- Octopus body sprite
- Asteroid ships weren't spawning in the galaxy

### Changed
- Most monsters had HP that was 10x Exp. I've decreased the base monster HP to 5x Exp. This means existing monsters will have LONG HP bars.
- Changed part of Reinforced Human Body assembly requirements from 5 AI Fragments to 1 AI Fragment
- The various cores associated with augmentation are now built in an Augmentation Station instead of the Forge
- Augments are built in the Augmentation Station
- Machine planet has been regenerated

## [0.1.21] - 2020-06-29

### Added
- Ability to update ship types when there are changes. This is currently mostly focused on adding ship coords, and changing the object/floor/monster spawn on a coord.
Would need added funtionality to remove previous coords, or remove an object type without changing it. Test before doing more than adding ship coords.

### Fixed
- Being brought back to a planet if you previously logged out or were disconnected on a planet, and then logged out/disconnected on a ship

## [0.1.20] - 2020-06-26

### Added
- Manufacturing Core, Laser Core, Hacking Core
- Decay rate to AI Space Constructs
- Floor types have an additional property - movement type. This can be land,fluid, or air. Different player bodies will get different movement
bonuses/penalties based on the type of floor tile they are walking on. This lets the Octopus body be fast in the water, and slow on land.
- Exodium Asteroid

### Fixed
- A bug with repairing damaged tiles on ships
- Connecting levels on planet genaration (was using the old single underground offset instead of the new separate x,y underground offset)

### Changed
- Removed the Advanced Forge while I continue to get closer to working on the type of functionality it's supposed to provide
- Increased AI complexity from 20 to 22
- Increased complexity of Power Cell from 1 to 10
- Increased Defense Drone complexity from 5 to 10
- Manufacturing Bodies, Manufacturing Augments now require Manufacturing Cores instead of AI Fragments
- Removed energy storage from AI batteries, and increased their complexity from 1 to 10
- Increased complexity of AI core from 1 to 20
- Increased decay rate of AI Edifice and AI Daemon
- Now show the energy of an AI directly on it
- Once the update is pushed, I'll be re-generating the Water planet type. Still no monsters on it, but they are coming!

## [0.1.19] - 2020-06-23

### Added
- While complexity is a mechanic I'm super fond of, I think adding some clarity for players on what to expect when manufacturing things will prevent some
needless wasting of resources and frustration. I've added a tag next to the name of things you can assemble to show how difficult it is for the player.
- A function to try and help fix when ships aren't removed properly from their coords
- AIs can now spawn monsters in the Galaxy to protect the planet and ships they are protecting.

### Fixed
- Error killing players that are attacked by objects
- Image for Microcontroller, Crystal, Blockade Runner, Lancer, Thiol Extractor

### Changed
- Instead of a single per attack bonus, attack bonuses are applied for each piece of equipment
- Ion drive now takes 10 ticks instead of 20 ( In general, building ship engines should take a long time, but this is the intro one )
- When switching bodies, the player is set to the current HP of the new body.
- Pod HP changed from 100 to 10 so abandoned pods decay faster and are quicker to kill.

## [0.1.18] - 2020-06-21

### Fixed
- Hopefully I finally squashed the bug that was causing the 'Back To Galaxy' button to disappear
- Potentially fixed an issue that sometimes put players on ship 2 (yes, a ship with ID 2)
- Bug with inventory items not always updating to the database

### Changed
- Algae Vats produce 6 Algae instead of 2 Algae


By Phaethon 3 years ago

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