Community Abyss Alpha Coders Discussions The Future of Community Abyss

The Future of Community Abyss

Hey everyone!

I wanted to talk about the future of Community Abyss, and more in general, the community here at Alpha Coders.

Our community loves interacting around images - which is pretty obvious by the millions of images, comments, captions, and more.

Currently we have a nice, active community in Discord. I'm there daily - most of our mod team is, and there are posts in various channels pretty regularly. It's a fun place to be.

One of the things this has done is mean I'm posting in Community Abyss less. I think this is probably the case for others as well.

I'm thinking about simply retiring Community Abyss in favor of our Discord channel, but before I go ahead and do that, I wanted to ask anyone reading this: What do YOU think we should do to move our community forward? Specifically in regards to text discussions/chatting with our community.

By Phaethon 1 year ago
😃This is pretty much about what I expected. 

I think it'll be good, moving forward, to continue to explore not only Discord, but other ideas for community building and communication🙂

By Phaethon 1 year ago

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