Community Abyss Alpha Coders Discussions Becoming A Trusted User

Becoming A Trusted User

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It looks like you have a submission that is waiting for moderator approval. Looks like you've done everything correct so far! Moderation usually takes less than 24 hours. Let me know if you have more questions.

By Phaethon 4 years ago

I did over 300+ submissions, 180+ wallpapers, got 97k views in just 2 months but why I am not still a trusted user?

Why? :')

By Dthlives 4 years ago

Hello RosafTheGamer01!

It looks like there are still just some issues with accuracy regarding placing images, and tagging. If you look at: you can see what changes moderators recently made. If you have specific questions about any of those moves, please feel free to reach out to the moderator, or myself.

It's all about submission accuracy🙂

I will reach out to the team and see if they have any more specific input

By Phaethon 4 years ago

Hello again RosafTheGamer01!

It looks like there was a larger issue: Not listening to moderator decisions, and your account being locked out of submitting for a while because of it. Re-submitting content that a moderator moved or denied will eventually result in an account ban - quite the opposite of being trusted.

Please listen to, and work with moderator decision! Again, let me know if you have more questions.

By Phaethon 4 years ago

Thanks For Your Reply David!

I was thinking how can I see how much downloads I've got combined all my wallpapers.


By Dthlives 4 years ago


The closest equivilent to that is just seeing the stats of your entire account on your profile page.

By Phaethon 4 years ago

Why i can't post wallpaper

By Boyster 3 years ago

Hello Boyster, im seeing 34 submissions from you at this time! Are you getting any error messages somewhere?

By ajak60 3 years ago

I'm really trying hard to become a Trusted User, afterall it's been 10 years 😪

Back to the drawing board...


By JerseyGirl 3 years ago


By Jesus Avila 2 years ago

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