Community Abyss rotvirtue's Discussions

rotvirtue rotvirtue's Discussions

Posted In: Nintendo NX

Here is my prediction:

  • too expensive
  • sells bad
  • zelda is good
  • not backwards compatible

Only march to know if i am right


7 years ago

my guess is that unfortunately most people will be sick of star wars by the end. pleasing star wars fans is absurd

7 years ago

how mainstream. princess mononoke is more pure.

7 years ago

sicksite that is the best reason I have heard

7 years ago
If you are fond of superman, i'd like to know why. I don't understand it.
7 years ago

If you wouldn't enjoy playing through it why would you even consider it as an amazing game? Good games are games that are fun to play.

7 years ago
It's more of the same. Well done, but unless the next two movies actually change up the formula we have nothing more than eye candy.
7 years ago

doubt it'll be good

7 years ago

Samus is a good choice as a strong female character. I will add Gordon Freeman as a favorite. Half Life 3!!!!

8 years ago