Community Abyss Alpha Coders Discussions Becoming A Trusted User

Becoming A Trusted User

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Good categorization and organization is part of what keeps Alpha Coders a high quality community. If you submit content to Alpha Coders, it should be a goal of yours to become a trusted user.

To become a trusted user, you will need to submit content that moderators don't need to change. This means:

  • Submitting content to the correct site. Multiple things determine which site your content is appropriate for.
  • If a site mentions its for showcase quality content, the quality of the image is important. JPG artifacts, blurriness, etc makes content not showcase quality.
  • Almost all of Alpha Coders is Family Friendly
  • Image Abyss is the exception, allowing more artistic expression. More info here.
  • Using either no categorization ( Image Abyss ) or having good categorization ( All other sites )


As a community we work together. Whether you are a moderator, a content submitter, or someone that comes to Alpha Coders for the content - we all work together. If you are having trouble getting trusted, please reach out to the moderator that's changing things about your submissions, and they can clarify anything that you are unclear about.

By Phaethon 5 years ago

Hi David,


Why am I having trouble submitting wallpapers and only "image" or "videos" are my only options?

By wildflower1555 5 years ago

Hey wildflower,

We just made a big change for the untrusted user submission process. Selecting 'wallpaper' will come later.

I have posted about it at

By Phaethon 5 years ago

But do we apply to become a trusted user? or we get it by summiting more content?

By BlackLuster 5 years ago

You can get it by submitting content where we don't have to change the categorization, tags, etc. and is given out when a moderator sees you consistently getting everything perfect! 

By ajak60 5 years ago

Hi David

By wildflower1555 5 years ago

hi laugh

By Phaethon 5 years ago


Moderators trust submitters that make accurate submissions - ones that moderators don't have to change. You can see a visual % number by going to your profile and looking at the bottom of the 'Your Statistics' section. You can click on the more info button to see what chnages moderators have been making. Always feel free to ask us why we are making changes smiley

By Phaethon 5 years ago

Yeah definitely.

It can be useful to look up the relevant rules pages here on Community Abyss. So, for example, if on a submission tags are getting changed, should help make it more clear why  - and if it doesn't, we'll be happy to explain.

By Phaethon 5 years ago

Why am I having trouble submitting wallpapers 

By adnan 4 years ago

Adnan, in order to help, we would need more info about what exactly isn't working for you.

By Phaethon 4 years ago

Hi David, why are some of my submissions despite it being Family Friendly didn't get moderated and as a result not submitted on Wallpaper Abyss? I'm afraid that if I submit the same wallpaper that did not get moderated again, I might get banned.

By DeathX28 4 years ago

Hey DeathX28,

Definitely don't resubmit the content as wallpapers - we consider it wasting moderator time.

You can ask me, or any other moderator about specific content. If you'r referring to the latest moves - they are considered not family friendly. It makes more sense if you look at our family friendly rules:

David West
Alpha Coders

By Phaethon 4 years ago



By itsmayBeliza2 4 years ago

Help! I can't submit my wallpaper

By fiman_02 4 years ago

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